Page name: The Agency Rp Area [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-09-23 18:48:57
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
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The Agency Rp Area

The Agency Rp areas

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[Strawboy]: "freezing my ass off, it wouldn't kill you guys to put a blanket in here you know" Alec said staring at the wall, waiting for the 'talk'.

[Sonya Blue]: she nodded as he walked off, she started making calls

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson crossed his arm "wouldnt freeze your ass off if you would just follow protocol"

[Strawboy]: "You can take protocol and shove it" Alec said calmly. He owed Jameson his life so always treated him with respect, never losingh is temper with him. "sir" he added quickly.

[Sonya Blue]: She eventually got frustrated again and hung up the phone, she left her office to go find Jameson

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "good save" he shook his head "those two you killed were important we needed them"

[Strawboy]: "They knew him" Alec said gritting his teeth. He let out a long breath and looked away "Im sorry, I was selfish, I want to find him so bad and make him suffer like I have..." he trailed off "It wont happen again"

[Sonya Blue]: she went down to the holding cells "james..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "they all know him we cant go after and kill them each time cause then we'll never find him" he looked over at Lisa "yea?"

[Sonya Blue]: "There isn't any evidence...not even a finger print.."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson frowned "Nothing?"

[Sonya Blue]: "What ever he might have left was destroyed in the explosion...we have nothin..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson scowled "fuck"

[Strawboy]: Alec looked over at them "Its odd, the Black Hearts have been keeping there activities quiet recently, now suddenly one of them levels a building?"

[Sonya Blue]: she looked over at Alec "you are right, and you know as well as I do who was stupid enough to pull a stunt like that..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded "of course"

[Strawboy]: Alec balled his hands into fists, the knuckles white.

[Sonya Blue]: she sighed, looking down "...he's good at covering his tracks..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "good but every criminal gets to cocky and fucks up eventually we have to be there when he does"

[Strawboy]: "I will definitely be there" Alec growled

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson smiled "I know alec i'll make sure you're there"

[Sonya Blue]: She frowned "we'll all be there.."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded "i know"

[Sonya Blue]: She crossed her arms

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "well there isnt much we can do now other than keep going back to the crime scene"

[Sonya Blue]: She nodded "I understand..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "Maybe they screwed up and went back looking for something we can hope they or he left something behind for us"

[Sonya Blue]: "We can try..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded "well lets go then"

[Sonya Blue]: "Alright...let's go..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded heading out to the car.

[Sonya Blue]: She followed

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson held open the car door for her

[Sonya Blue]: She got in the car

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson shut the door then got in on the driver's side "whats the address?"

[Sonya Blue]: She handed h8I'm the paper with the address

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded as he drove to the spot.

[Sonya Blue]: She got out and started looking around

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson rose his brow as he looked "someone came back"

[Sonya Blue]: "I can see that..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "call for a small crew we need to get castings of these footprints"

[Sonya Blue]: She nodded and called for a crew to come and look

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson smiled bending over picking up an emblem "hmmm"

[Sonya Blue]: She looked over at him "what did you find?"

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson put the emblem in an evidence bag "i dont know yet it looks like a personal emblem"

[Sonya Blue]: She nodded slightly and continued to look

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson combed over the area just glancing he'd leave looking in more detail to the team

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca sighed and finally slid into the passenger seat, putting in a dvd for the small roof DVD, it was his favorite T.V. show, NCIS. "You need to stop figiting so much, Zeik, you made mommy late for work." she'd chuckle watching him smile. "Sorry mommy." he'd giggle cutely. So she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Alec's number.

[Sonya Blue]: She did the same

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: She sighed and hung up, calling [which ever character yer using, Angel.]

[Sonya Blue]: Lisa answered her phone "hello..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Hey LIsa...terribly sorry. I know I'm late...Ziek was just being a pain in the you know what." she'd sigh.

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "alright i think we've found what we're looking for lets get back to the agency i want to take a closer look at this emblem"

[Sonya Blue]: Lisa nodded to Jameson and headed to the car "its alright...was there something you needed?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yeah....I got information on Riddicks wiretap..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson got into the car looking the emblem over.

[Sonya Blue]: she got into the car too "really now?...tell me more..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "If I heard correct...him and Cloe...are getting married..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson looked over at Lisa "whats the news?"

[Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow "Cloe Nelson?" She held a finger up to Jameson

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yep..."

[Sonya Blue]: "Any other news?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yeah...if we don't act now...those two will be gone...her brother said the only way he'll let the marrige happen, is if they vanish, change their name, leave the country...yadda yadda..."

[Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow "see what you can find on Cloe...find a reason for us to make an arrest...Riddick covers his tracks well, but Cloe is careless...there has to be something on her..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "On it, just need to drop Zeik off at the baby sitters."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "find out where the wedding is taking place and put someone in their group as a undercover"

[Sonya Blue]: "Alright...we will meet you at the office..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca ignored Jameson for now, putting an unknown in their group was completely stupid in her opinion. "Meet ya there." sh'ed say, hanging up.

[Sonya Blue]: she hung up and looked to Jameson "this could be our ch ance to catch Riddick..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded "but we cant put an arrest out for them that'll just tip them off on something"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca yawend and sipped on her Monster Java [nu not irish blend >> never AGAIN may taste sweet, but ish liquor in it] She'd just left teh baby sitters and was now headed to the office.

[Sonya Blue]: "We arrest cloe for something she did...and riddick is garenteed to do something stupid to get her back..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "dont we have to find her first? and if she's with riddick chances are he'll cover her tracks for her"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca smiled and stepped into the office, tossing the can into the recyclable bin and heading to her desk.

[Sonya Blue]: "She is in the system...we have her address, she has to go home sometime...and he can't be there all the time...there is always something"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca did her research thing...finding something interesting out...about the man who...supposedly she went out on one day with. so she quickly pulle her cel out and calleD Lisa.

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded "well if you're sure"

[Sonya Blue]: She answered her phone "hello?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Get here I have some news for you..." Rebecca said, a huge grin on her face.

[Sonya Blue]: "We're on our way..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded as he drove back to the office

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Okay." she'd dsay, hanging up.'

[Sonya Blue]: She sighed

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson "what now?"

[Sonya Blue]: "She found something....go to the office..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: she sniffled a bit and smirked. "Perfect plan..."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson nodded driving back to the office he parked the car.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca tapped on the desk.

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson got out of the car.

[Sonya Blue]: she got out of the car and headed to Rebeccas desk

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebeccca looked up with a huge grin. "Turns out..the police are hiding something from us."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson headed to his office after dropping off the emblem with a trusted person.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca doodled things, hoping Alec was okay, she hadn't seen him in awhile.

[Strawboy]: Alec pulled off his jacket and chucked in the wash along with his pants, a week in the cells without a shower had taken there toll on personal hygiene.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca decided to text him. Oi, get your ass to the office, I have news...

[Strawboy]: Alec texted back At office, in laundry room

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca frowned. Take a shower before you come up here please, I'd rather keep my breakfast down.

[Strawboy]: Very funny he said closig his phone and heading to the shower rooms.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca giggled and twirled a pencil between her fingertips, just waiting for Alec to show up.

[Strawboy]: Alec arrived 30 minutes later, hair still wet.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca smiled. "Alec...guess what?"

[Strawboy]: "You finally found a boyfriend?" Alec said with a straight face.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: She scowled at him. "You know my opinion on, guess who's getting married." she smirked.

[Strawboy]: "I dont know" Alec said throwing himself into a spare seat.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Cloe Johnson...and Riddick.."

[Strawboy]: Alec tensed up at Riddicks name "When? Where?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Calm down, we do'nt know yet..but we're going to have a plan...and I've found out somethign very get riddick's temper flared."

[Strawboy]: "What is it?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "DNA...from a murder, done by Cloe Johnson herself...."

[Strawboy]: "So? How does that help us?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: She smirked. "I was thinking..what would truly piss him off and cause him to do something stupid...arrest her after their wedding. What would you do...if your wife was arrested on the most important day of yours and her...or his life?" she'd smirk, tossing in a small low blow, yep revenge for the boyfriend comment.

[Strawboy]: Alec caught the low-blow casually as he sparked his lighter into life "I was just thinking of burning the place down, but your idea may work"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "That's know that the boss wo'nt like that...they'll be tried, convicted...and sent away for life...Maybe not Riddick, he's not sloppy...but Cloe, she's going away for murder."

[Strawboy]: "I dont care about her, I only care about Riddick"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "To get him, you have to get her, so we'll need a solid plan. I'm quite sure Lisa'll be able to help." Rebecca smirked.

[Strawboy]: "I suppose"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Dear dear Alec, your so wrapped up revenge, your parents are dead yes, but you're alive, think about it, ruining the most important day of his life, ripping the woman he loves with all his heart away from him, and sending him off to jail after he does something stupid...think about it."

[Strawboy]: "This isnt just about revenge, he can still harm others while he lives"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "mhm, he does...but look at me...What do you think I want done to Zeik's father? That bastard...Nathaniel..."

[Strawboy]: Alec frowned.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yeah...I want him dead too, but I need money, hes' got it, child support would be lovely first," she'd smirk. "Then, after I get that large lump some, I'll arresst him, and make sure he's in a cell with my cousin, bubba, whos in jail for life."

[Strawboy]: "Yes but none of us need anything from Riddick"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "you lose your parents, he should lose something before he goes to prison,."

[Strawboy]: "I said before this isnt about revenge"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Psh, he still deserves it, besides, it must be make him sloppy."

[Sonya Blue]: Lisa walked up to Rebeccas desk and crossed her arms "what did you find?"

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson headed to his office instead he had some paperwork that still needed to be done.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Someone didn't cover their tracks." she'd giggle.

[Sonya Blue]: "What did you find?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "DNA...."

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Jameson grumbled when the emblem was returned with no information on it all he got was it was red which he knew to mean warrior or martyr, military strength and magnanimity, and had two symbols one of a bat and a cypress which he knew had to do with understanding darkness and chaos also death and the eternal life after the only clue on there was a N on the back.

[Sonya Blue]: "Tell me more..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. "It's her DNA...on a man who was tortured...very...very slowly."

[Sonya Blue]: She nodded "okay...then put out a warrant for her arrest."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I have a better idea." she'd smile brightly.

[Sonya Blue]: "Tell me then..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Arrest her after the their reception"

[Sonya Blue]: She narrowed her eyes "why? What's the point?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "It'll piss Riddick off and get him to do somethign stuipd."

[Sonya Blue]: "Arresting her period will piss him off..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yes, but arresting her before they can...consimate the marriage, denying him a tradition that's been going on for centries?"

[Sonya Blue]: She sighed "alright...when is the wedding?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I don't know yet, but I'll keep an eye out."

[Sonya Blue]: "...alright"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "You cna do what you want with her...just...let me arrest Nathaniel finally..."

[Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow "that isn't up to have to talk to the boss about that one..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I'll talk to her." she said standing up.

[Sonya Blue]: "Go ahead...she's in her office..."

Marjorie was sitting behind her desk, she had a stack of papers infront of her

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca had picked up the paperwork and walked off to Marjorie's office, to tell her of thier plan, as well...hopefully presadue her to let her arrest Nathaniel.

[Sonya Blue]: Marjorie was writing on a blank sheet of paper

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca knocked on the door.

[Sonya Blue]: "Come in..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca smiled and stepped into the office, handing her the paperwork on the plan, to arrest her after the wedding. "There was one other...special request I have..."

[Sonya Blue]: She looked over the paperwork "what?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I want to arrest Nathaniel..."

[Sonya Blue]: She looked at her "do you have cause?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I've been tracking him for a long time...and with this wedding...I have a feeling he'll be there...h...I have cause to believe he's the one that raped me." Rebecca said clearly.

[Sonya Blue]: "Do you have proof?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I remember everything...about him." she gulped, not liking to even think about it... "'ve seen Ziek..."

[Sonya Blue]: "Yes...but he will have to stand trial, I can't put him away without any real evidence know that...find me real proof that will stand in a court room and then we'll talk about making an arrest..." she looked through the file "now about this here..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Put me on the witness stand then!" she snapped, a few tears rollign down her cheek. "If what I saw isn't considered evidence, then what is?"

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel nibbled on his pen as he ran through some files.

[Sonya Blue]: she sighed "I understand how you feel, but a jury will not convict him without more evidence, and since there was no usable DNA and no other witnesses there isn't much I can do right now...What I can do is order a maternaty test so you can prove he is the father and get your child support...but it won't prove he raped you unless he admits to it...or you find more evidence"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I was fifteen...thats' statchatory rape at least..."

[Sonya Blue]: "Fine...but you still need to prove he is the father first..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca nodded and sighed.

[Sonya Blue]: "Was there anything else you needed?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yeah...I need off tomorrow, Ziek has a school play.."

[Sonya Blue]: she nodded "alright..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Would you like to come? He does adore you like an aunt." she smiled.

[Sonya Blue]: "It sounds nice...but I have so much to do here..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Oh come on, you deserve a day off."

[Sonya Blue]: She sighed "alright..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Cool." Rebecca said.

[Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel was hard at work trying to find any tie between nathaniel and rebecca other than the child well to see if he could find medical records.

[Sonya Blue]: She smiled a bit

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Samara sighed softly and sniffled as she walked up to the door and entered. "Is Rebecca here?"

[Sonya Blue]: Margori rose a brow "..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca looked to Samara and giggled. "Well well, if it isn't Samara, still on the drugs?"

Samara shook her head. "Remember we had a deal..."

[Sonya Blue]: Marjorie frowned

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca nodded. "The deal was, you get him to spill get the drug charges dropped." she growled.

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: She frowned and looked to Marjorie. "This your boss?"

[Sonya Blue]: Marjorie nodded "yes...I am her boss..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: She sighed and handed her the tape player. "I do something very vial to get this..." she whimpered, it was a tape, containing Nathaniel, admitting it.

[Sonya Blue]: she rose a brow "...alright...looks like you have what you need to make your arrest..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Rebecca sighed. "Yea....I do, shall we file the report to drop the charges?"

[Sonya Blue]: "Ill take care of go get your warrent..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: She nodded and stood up walking out.

Samara sat down, rubbing her arm, slightly nervous.

[Sonya Blue]: She looked to Samara "your name?"

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "S...Samara."

[Sonya Blue]: "Full name..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Samara Williams."

[Sonya Blue]: she nodded, typing it into her laptop, then looked at her "your good to go..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Samara nodded and stood up. "No to...kno wabout this, they'll kill me."

[Sonya Blue]: "You have my word..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: Samara nodded. "Thank you." she'd say quicklky leaving.

Rebecaa walked in afterward holding a warrent.

[Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow "that was fast..."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: "The judge is my uncle/s golf buddy." she'd smile.

[Sonya Blue]: "Oh I see...."

[HeAVenShallBuRN]: She smiled and nodded.

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